Documents Help

How to search in the register?

You may consult all publicly available documents of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) directly through this web page by clicking on Documents Search or by browsing through the categories of documents in the All Documents section.

How does the search form work?

You may either enter your search criteria in one or more fields in ‘Documents Search’ or leave some of the fields blank. In the latter case, no restrictions are applied, except those defined by the search options on the search page.

A logical ‘AND’ will always operate between your search criteria in the different fields.

Example: specifying document dates for a search between 10/1/2022 and 10/6/2022 with ‘BoR Decisions’ as the subject matter will provide all Board of Regulators (BoR) Decisions with a registration date within the period 10/1/2022 - 10/6/2022.

Text fields (Document Number, Title, Text and Subject Matter)

Text searches are neither case- nor accent-sensitive.


In the text fields you can enter the search terms. If you do not specify any operator within a field, a logical ‘AND’ will be assumed.


All the examples given below assume that the user has specified their selection criteria in the title field. The search in all text fields, namely: Document Number, Title, Text and Subject Matter, works the same way.

  • ‘BEREC’ will show all documents containing the word “BEREC” in their titles.
  • ‘BEREC Office’ will show all documents containing the word “BEREC” AND the word “Office” in their titles. These words need not necessarily be located next to each other.


The following operators may be used:

Boolean operators:

& Logical AND

| Logical OR

^ Logical AND NOT


  • ‘BEREC & Office’ will show all documents containing the word “BEREC” AND the word “Office” in their titles. These words need not necessarily be located next to each other.
  • ‘BEREC | Office’ will show all documents containing the word “BEREC” OR the word “Office” OR both words in their titles.
  • ‘BEREC ^ Office’ will show all documents containing the word “BEREC” but NOT the word “Office” in their titles.

Proximity operators:

" " Phrase (exact phrase) search

{ } Proximity respecting the order of the search terms

[ ] Proximity in any order

#n Specifies the proximity distance in characters


  • ‘“BEREC Office”’ will show all documents containing the words “BEREC” AND “Office” next to each other in their titles.
  • ‘{BEREC Office}’ will show all documents containing the words “BEREC” AND “Office” in that order in their titles, and separated by no more than 50 characters.
  • ‘[BEREC Office]’ will show all documents containing the words “BEREC” AND “Office” in any order in their titles, and separated by no more than 50 characters.
  • ‘#10{BEREC Office}’ will show all documents containing the words “BEREC” AND “Office” in that order in their titles, and separated by no more than ten characters.

Wild cards:

? one character

* zero, one or more characters.


  • ‘Broad*’ will show all documents containing the words: "Broad", "Broaden", "Broadcast", etc. in their titles.
  • ‘Reali?ation’ will show all documents containing the words: "Realization" or "Realisation" in their titles.
  • ‘*ation’ will show all documents containing the words: ‘Realisation’, ‘Activation’, etc. in their titles.
  • ‘*eli?at*’ will show all documents containing the words: "Delicate", "Delicately", etc. in their titles.

Combination of operators:

Operators can be combined by using brackets.


  • ‘((network|operator) & communi*)’ will return all documents containing the word "network" OR the word "operator” AND containing the word "communication", "communications", "community", etc. in their titles.
  • ‘(*etwork | (operator & communications))’ will return all documents containing the word "network" (for example) OR contain the words "operator" AND "communications" in their titles.

Subject matters

You may enter one or several subject matters directly or use the list containing all available subject matters by clicking on the button next to the ‘Subject Matter’ field. Please note that documents might not exist for all subject matters.

Date fields

The document date can be chosen by using the two date pickers indicating the start and end period for your search. You may choose the exact date by entering the same date in both fields or choosing a range of dates.

Results page

The ‘Results’ page will contain information on the document number, date, title and author or addressee.

The document number of a specific document contains the year of its drawing up, adoption or registration, shown in brackets, and its consecutive registration number. It may include one or more prefixes or suffixes identifying its author or addressee, or a specific version of this document.

If the document is publicly available, you will be able to download or consult it.

If there is no document attached, this means that the document is not available to the public. In accordance with the transparency rules in place, you may request access to a non-public document by using the Request a Document option.

The following prefixes and suffixes are used:




Board of Regulators (BEREC)


Management Committee (BEREC Office)


BEREC Contact Network


Public Consultation



Examples of document numbers:  BoR (16) 12, MC (14) 01, BEREC CN (13) 05 rev.1, BoR PC07 (15) 01

If the document is publicly available, you will be able to download or consult it.

If there is no document attached, this means that the document is not available to the public. In accordance with the transparency rules in place, you may request access to a non-public document by using the Request a Document option.