Country Means of Access Type of PWS Link to PWS Description Link to PWS Download Additional Information
Austria App App For German end users roaming in Austria, the German version of the Katwarn app must be used, download link:
Austria App App For German end users roaming in Austria, the German version of the Katwarn app must be used, download link:
Belgium Location-based SMS inscription is automatic as soon as a user (mobile phone) is active on the national territory, user will receive warning messages if location is within a defined area.
Belgium Location-based SMS inscription is automatic as soon as a user (mobile phone) is active on the national territory, user will receive warning messages if location is within a defined area.
Belgium Other website available in dutch, french, german and english, a user can register his phone and email to receive targeted messages additional to messages of Location-based SMS system.
Bulgaria Cell Broadcast the system is under construction
Czechia This emergency service is accessible to every person with a mobile device present in the targeted location at the time of broadcast. Neither application download nor user registration of any kind is required. Location-based SMS